Opening hours : Mon-Friday 8-15
044 444 444
Communicare Clinic
About Us
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Our services
Our expertise at
speech disorders
Therapies for children
Myofunctional Disorders
Articulation and Pronunciation | Oral Motor Skills
Language Development Disorders
Grammar | Sentence Structure | Vocabulary | Dyslexia
Late Talkers
Children with a Delayed Onset of Speech
Auditory Processing and Perception Disorder
Therapies for adults
Aphasia, Apraxia, Dysarthria
Disorders after Stroke, Accidents, Operations
Language and Speech Disorders
in Chronic Illness
Voice and Breathing therapies
Functional, Organic, or Childhood Disorders
Strengthening Vocal Resilience
Swallowing and Feeding therapies
Disorders of the Swallowing Process
Eating Therapy
Diet and Tube Weaning
Tracheostomy Tube Management
Aftercare and advice on tracheotomy
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